Electronics & Appliance Manufacturer | NEST

Written by NEST IFM | Oct 18, 2019 4:00:00 AM

The Situation

In a saturated, competitive consumer market, an electronics and appliance manufacturer was struggling to stay alive. But suddenly, its appliance and facilities divisions united to create a brand new concept intended to boost sales: the Open House Display. This new idea was a high-profile concept, and it had critical deadlines to meet. Committed to bringing this idea to life, this manufacturer was in dire need of a construction partner that could take on the logistical challenges of working in a big box retailer but still complete a two-phase renovation for 300 locations in just 60 days.

The superior levels of success were a result of this rollout and it could not have been achieved without NEST working in conjunction with the internal team to “make it happen.” Our success is due to methodical planning, superior execution, and meticulous attention to detail.

Senior Director of Store Development

The NEST Solution

The NEST Construction and Projects team was up for the job. Upon kicking off this new project, NEST developed a formal scope of work centered on three key elements: cost containment, timeliness and consistent brand imaging. To do this, a NEST project manager was appointed to lead 24/7 and be present for site visits. Together, the NEST project manager and the client completed a thorough walk through to ensure NEST had every detail covered and could develop a formal plan to train the additional construction providers. For optimal efficiency, this training was held remotely to effectively review the scope of work and outline the various needs and materials for each site.

To ensure this network-wide construction project stayed on track, the manufacturer received updates from NEST each day during morning reports. Additionally, the client had on-demand access to customer process enhancement tools, namely software, real-time access to services, a 24/7 command center and business analytics.

The Results

In just 60 days, all of the manufacturer’s stores were completed not only within the designated time frame, but also without requiring any recalls or missing deadlines. With NEST managing the overhaul of the project and serving as the brand guardian, the client teams were able to focus on strategic growth. As a result of NEST’s supervision, the appliance division now has formalized standards—which have led to a direct increase in sales at the retail level.